How they saw Rama?
Siddharth, minister of Dasharatha:
न हि कञ्चन पश्यामो राघवस्यावगुणं वयम्।
दुर्लभो ह्यस्य निरय श्शशाङ्कस्येव कल्मषम्।।2.36.27।।
We see no fault in Rama. Unlike the stain in the Moon it is difficult to find any blemish in him.
Mareecha, ally of Ravana
रकारादीनि नामानि रामत्रस्तस्य रावण।
रत्नानि च रथाश्चैव त्रासं संजनयन्ति मे।।3.39.17।।
O Ravana, every name
beginning with the letter 'Ra', such as Ratna (gems), Ratha (chariot), etc.
strike terror in me.
Citizens of Ayodhya
यत्र रामो भयं नात्र नास्ति तत्र पराभवः।।2.48.15।।
पादच्छाया सुखा भर्तुस्तादृशस्य महात्मनः।
स हि नाथो जनस्यास्य स गति स्सपरायणम्।
There is no fear where there is Rama; there is no defeat either.
The shadow of the feet of Lord Rama gives us happiness. He is the only refuge, the supreme refuge. He alone is the goal and protector of everybody.
क्षमा यस्मिन्दमस्त्याग सत्यं धर्मः कृतज्ञता।
अप्यहिंसा च भूतानां तमृते का गतिर्मम।।2.12.33।।
In Rama dwells forgiveness, forbearance, renunciation, righteousness, gratefulness, truthfulness and non-violence towards all beings. Without Him, I see no refuge for me.
सूर्यस्यापि भवेत्सूर्यो ह्यग्नेरग्नि प्रभोः प्रभुः।
दैवतं दैवतानां च भूतानां भूतसत्तमः ।।2.44.16।।
Rama is the light of the Sun, splendour of the fire, commander of masters, He is the God of all the Gods and is the Supreme-most among all beings.
अस्य प्रसादादाशंसे लोकेस्मिन् सुमुहद्यशः।
धर्मावाप्तिं च विपुलामर्थावाप्तिं च केवलम्।।2.51.5।।
By the grace of Lord Rama alone do I seek to get supreme fame in this world, and the attainment of dharma and acquisition of abundant artha – dharma, artha and success - all by Rama’s grace alone.
न तं पश्याम्यहं लोके परोक्षमपि यो नरः।
स्वमित्रोऽपि निरस्तोऽपि योऽस्य दोषमुदाहरेत्।।2.21.5।।
I can find no person in this world – friend or a foe – who can give an example of a single fault in Rama neither directly or nor indirectly.
अमरोपमसत्त्व स्त्वं महात्मा सत्यसङ्गरः।
सर्वज्ञ स्सर्वदर्शी च बुद्धिमांश्चासि राघव।।2.106.6।।
Lord Rama, Your nature is similar to the devatas. You are truthful. You are omniscient, the wisest, and can see everything.
Akampana, minister of Ravana
भित्त्वा वेलां समुद्रस्य लोकानाप्लावयेद्विभुः।
वेगं वापि समुद्रस्य वायुं वा विधमेच्छरैः।।3.31.25।।
Rama is so very powerful that he can drown the earth by breaking the boundary of the sea. He can arrest the speed of the sea or of the wind with his arrows.
सतारग्रहनक्षत्रं नभश्चाप्यवसादयेत्।
असौ रामस्तु सीदन्तीं श्रीमानभ्युद्धरेन्महीम्।।3.31.24।।
Rama is so powerful that He can pull down the planets and stars along with the sky. From the depth of the sea, He can lift the drowning earth with ease!
ब्रह्मा स्वयम्भूश्चतुराननो वा रुद्रस्त्रिनेत्रस्त्रिपुरान्तको वा।
इन्द्रो महेन्द्रस्सुरनायको वा त्रातुं न शक्ता युधि रामवध्यम्।।5.51.45।।
Neither Svayambhu, the four-faced Brahma, nor the destroyer of Tripuras, three-eyed Siva, not even Mahendra, the king of suras – have the power to save the person whom Rama decides to kill
सर्वान् लोकान् सुसंहृत्य सभूतान् सचराचरान्।।5.51.39।।
पुनरेव तथा स्रष्टुं शक्तो रामो महायशाः।
Rama is so powerful that he can destroy the world including all the beings; and then recreate the beings once again by his power!
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